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Is a vegan diet more healthy than a normal diet?

Updated: Nov 2, 2021

Over the recent years, there have been many questions as well as speculations discussing the question whether vegans are healthier than people who consume meat or more so a regular diet? Well, before we get started, note that being a vegan doesn't necessarily mean you are 100% healthier in general as you do need to be cautious of what you eat and take care of whatever it may be you consume that is vegan or plant based as not everything has a beneficial impact.

Being a vegan can be one of the healthiest ways to live as we know that plant based foods are actually loaded with nutrients which are beneficial to us as humans.

There is a mixed body of evidence which shows exactly why being a vegan would be healthier than someone on a normal diet and this is based off of a lot of factors. One of these factors include the fact that there is a very limited number of studies on the benefits of being a vegan and what the long term effects of this can be as well as how it compares to the likes of a regular diet as well as a vegetarian diet too. In addition to the lack of evidence displayed in regards to the vegan diet being the healthiest, not all vegan diets created are actually eaten and the plant based foods as well as created vegan products varies n terms of what person to person eats. So someone who is vegan can be very healthy just as much as someone who is vegan can also be quite unhealthy depending on what they.

Generally speaking, plant based food is nutritionally great for our bodies and they have several beneficial impacts to us. It just depends how people consume these as well as what mixtures of other non plant based foods they may include in their diet.

In order to actually avoid nutritional deficiencies and other nutritional issues while following vegan diets, supplementation with vitamins and minerals (such as iron or vitamin B12) has been recommended in order to showcase beneficial effects and a sustainable upkeep of nutritional values. This can be achieved through a daily pill or fortified foods for example.

Fortification can vary by product or brand, change over time, and regulations if they exist, can vary in different parts of the world. For example, calcium is added to some, but not all brands of plant-based milks. Supplements can also differ by type, brand, dosage and how regularly they are taken. So there are quite a few things to be taken into account when taking supplements. However, despite the boom in veganism, even the most optimistic scientists caution that there is still much we do not understand about the diet. In particular, little is known about the long-term consequences of veganism and whether it does hold significant advantages over an omnivorous or vegetarian diet.

There is no real written down answer as to whether veganism is or is not the healthiest alternative when comparing it to a vegetarian diet or a pescatarian diet as well as a carnivorous diet. After quite some years to come, we will be able to carry out more studies on the long term of effects of veganism as we will be able to tell more about how people are experiencing the effects of a vegan diet after several years of partaking in it.

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